Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Tradition: Topo Bisu Mubeng Beteng

The reciting of Mancapat. Courtesy of Metrotv

Literally mean silence prayer around the fort. This tradition held in the night before Suro 1st / Muharam 1st as the new year ceremony in traditional java society. 

With the request from the Yogyakarta society in 1919, a ceremony was held flag heirloom named Kanjeng Kyai Ibadan, by walking around the fortified castle. The ceremony is represeningt the society hope to preventing influenza illness to the people of Yogyakarta. Kanjeng Kyai Ibadan is part of the Kaaba in Mecca blongsong being carried by Safi'i, ambassadors Ngarsadalem Hamengkubuwana I in 1784 SEI. Because the people believe about their inheritance power, then all diseases can be destroyed.

The Marching began. Courtesy of Beritagar.id

Named Topo Bisu Mubeng Beteng because the ceremony done with marching silently through the remain of outer fort of Kraton Yogyakarta which Pojok Beteng Utara-Barat, Pojok beteng Kulon / Barat, Pojok beteng Wetan / Timur dan Pojok Beteng Utara - Timur, philosophically to look back what we've done in the past year and expressing gratitude to god and also ask for safety and prosperous future. 

This ritual began at 24.00 with reciting the Mancapat followed with marching which start at Keben throung the Rotowijayan st, Kauman st, Agus Salim st, Surowijayan st, Pojok Beteng Kulon, Letjen MT Haryono st, Mayjen Sutoyo st, Pojok Beteng Wetan, Brigjen Katamso st, Ibu Ruswo st, and finish at Alun - Alun Utara.

The tradition is open for public so we can follow the ritual as we like, but remember to keep silent because the core of this event is the silent marching.

A prayer in TUGU in front of Alun - Alun Utara. Courtesy of https://Frahmadazhar.blogspot.com

Sorry for the bad english
please gladly send me a critic and feedback, Thank you


  • Frahmadazhar.blogspot.com
  • Metrotv
  • Beritagar.id
  • https://jv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mubeng_Beteng
  • http://www.kaskus.co.id/show_post/000000000000000166275677/73
  • http://kusnantokarasan.com/2015/10/13/mubeng-beteng-tradisi-keliling-beteng-kraton-yogyakarta-setiap-malam-1-suro/

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Attraction: Ramayana Ballet Prambanan

Ramayana Ballet Prambanan is a show that tells a story about Kakawin Ramayana or simply the javanese version of Ramayana. Performed inside the Prambanan Temple complex, although the show named Ramayana Ballet, it isn't like a Western ballet performance, the show mostly consist of dancing with each scene represent the event of Ramayana. The show divided into 4 episodes which:
  • The Abduction of Dewi Sita
  • Hanuman Journey to Alengka
  • Death of Kumbakarna and Rahwana
  • Rama and Sita Reunited
Prambanan Ramayana Ballet have two stages which:
  • Open theater (Outdoor)
an outdoor theater with 3 primary prambanan temple building as the background, using more crew that at one occasion break the record for most performer in one show.

    • VIP, include
      • Soft Drink
      • Souvenirs
      • Snack
      • 64 Seat
    • Special, include
      • Soft Drink
      • 100 seat
    • First class
      • 268 seat
    • Second class
      • 508 seat

  • Trimurti theater (Indoor)

    • Special, include
      • Soft Drink
      • 52 seat
    • First class
      • 137 seat
    • Second class
      • 160 seat
Ticket fee

A. Open theater ticket fee
VIP Class               : IDR 350.000
SPECIAL Class     : IDR 250.000
FIRST Class          : IDR 175.000
SECOND Class     : IDR 100.000
STUDENT Class   : IDR 30.000
B. Trimurti Ticket fee
SPECIAL Class   : IDR 250.000
FIRST Class        : IDR 175.000
SECOND Class   : IDR 100.000
Ticket and Information Reservation:
Prambanan Theatre
Jalan Raya Yogya – Solo Km 16 Prambanan, Yogyakarta 55571, Indonesia
Telephone 274 496408
  • http://yogyatrip.com/harga-tiket-reservasi-dan-jadwal-pertunjukan-sendratari-ramayana-2015/
  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prambanan_Ramayana_Ballet

For Critic and Feedback please send them to Sofyan.hamami@gmail.com
Thank you